Yoga Playtime + My Sugar Bean

Next to loving and being thankful for God, my family, and friends, I love yoga. My yoga practice brings me joy, inner peace, physical and mental awareness (& stability), and a greater appreciation for life, my mind, body, and spirit connection.

I have been a practitioner of various forms of yoga since 2001. I’ve studied Bikram, Vinyasa, Hot Power Flow, and Ashtanga. I love each discipline for the way it challenges me to never stop growing and to continually find a new edge both mentally and physically. I also love it because it has taught me to quiet my mind amidst my fast paced and ever changing life. Yoga helps me have more patience with those around me, especially my loved ones, and have a greater compassion for everyone I encounter.

It only makes sense that I would share something that has had such a profound impact on my life with others. This is why I became a Registered Yoga Instructor. I completed my 200 hour yoga teacher certification in San Diego in 2010 and immediately started teaching. I love guiding others to experience their own yoga practice. I believe that the greatest teacher is the teacher within, and by empowering students to find their inner voice, move at their own pace, be conscience of each breath, and truly be present in the moment they will encounter a transformation that starts from within and will impact their entire life.

I guide classes and private sessions combining my knowledge as a nurse of the human body with my  experience as a yoga student and instructor. I am humbled by the opportunity to help others find their way to their yogic path. I strive to provide a safe environment for students and help them to feel inspired and empowered, so that they may take yoga off their mat and actually experience it in life.

In this photo session you will see my daughter Mac. She is approaching two and has developed her own appreciation for yoga. She gets excited everyday when we get out our mats, she immediately inverts herself in downward dog (her version of “headstand”) and carries on with her other favorite poses. When she sees me get my things ready to go practice at the studio, she helps and says “Mama practice yoga… Mac practice yoga too”

It makes my heart smile to know that she is already experiencing the joys of having yoga in her life, and  more importantly how at 2 years old she has an awareness of her breath and emotions. She can help to calm herself down. (not an easy feat for someone entering the terrible twos ;)) Don’t get me wrong we still have plenty of teaching moments and time outs, but when I say “What are we supposed to do when we get mad?”, she immediately takes a deep inhale and lets it out.

Namaste 🙂
