Wow… it’s been a BIG week! And I’m not just talking about how much this bump AKA Ky has grown. 😉 We are now #34WeekPregnant and baby girl is approaching 5 pounds and the size of a very heavy cantaloupe.
Our BIG announcement and new development is that my hubby returned home from deployment a month earlier than we ever thought possible AND my mama arrived on the same day! We are now in full-blown “prepare for baby Ky” mode.
Their arrival was perfectly timed too. While I’m grateful to have been so active (and still plan to be), I can feel myself needing to slow down some.
Between this babe still being breech and causing this mama some VERY uncomfortable days and nights, the heat of summer weather, chasing after our super adventurous 5-year-old, running a business and a household solo, I didn’t realize just how much the extra help would be appreciated and needed until it arrived.
I finally was able to make an appointment to see an incredible chiropractor that works with expectant mamas and has a great success rate of helping prepare babies to “spin.” After one session my low back pain is already SO MUCH BETTER, and I’m looking forward to going in again end of this week.
Mamas… if you’re having low back or extreme round ligament pain during your pregnancy, seeing someone that knows how to safely adjust you is a game-changer.
So I’m embracing it, learning what works, and keeping myself humble about the process.
Now for the fun stuff. Getting all the baby clothes washed, the final touches put on the nursery, cord blood banking setup, last minute baby-proofing projects done, soaking up lots of quality time with my hubs, our girl, and my mama, and enjoying SLEEP while I can. 😂
I’m staying active and modifying and continuing to lead my Rockin Your Bump group. For info, connect with me by CLICKING HERE & GETTING YOUR FREE PREGNANCY HEALTH ASSESSMENT
Here are a few of the workouts from my 34th week….
I want to say thank to you people for this great and helpful info. Thanks!!!
good guide
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